Insulating your roof with Warmshell Woodfibre and our range of complementary products is the ideal way to complement breathable wall insulation, inside and out.

Our materials are designed for ease of use, high quality real-world performance, all while being as sustainable and low impact as possible.

Our bio-based insulations store away carbon for their lifetime - and because they are made from natural plant fibres they are far superior to synthetic insulation at regulating moisture and preventing summer overheating in your roof.

Roof insulation behaves differently to solid wall insulation, and that is reflected in the guidance below. But it's vital to think about the insulation zones and retrofit as a whole, to really optimise the ventilation strategy for your house as well as ensuring you don't get cold bridges.

For simplicity, our Warmshell Woodfibre boards are the universal option for inside and outside and suitable on walls as well as roofs - no more having to buy multiple different wood fibre boards for one project. 

And to help maintain the breathability of the roof, you can finish our insulation with Solo One Coat Lime Plaster across many different backgrounds. Lime plastering was always the simplest of plastering methods and Solo continues that tradition, so while the plastering is still skilled work, you won't need complex mixing methods or confusing specialist lime consultants to get a beautiful, breathable finish.

Download our technical guidance for roof insulation below:

 Warmshell Roof Design Guide

It's vital when insulating your house to consider all the junctions and how the house will work. Piecemeal insulation added in badly will not only fail to save you much energy, but it might cause damp and mould. Read our information alongside our guide to insulating walls.  

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To help you on your way, we also offer training, and can put you in touch with a wide network of system-trained installers.

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